Following on from the helicopter adventure, Adieu was returned to Mist’s territory and hung out there for a while then slipped off again.
Our Olympian LePew didn’t sit still. Returned from Otawa Thursday, was located on the south boundary on Saturday and returned, picked up the wrong side of the Mountain on Monday and returned. Since has been pinged on the east side, followed north and then heading toward the mountain again but still in OT thank goodness. He’s been zigzagging around in Mist’s area since. She’s a popular girl. We so need to keep these strong kiwi in the flock and not lose their genetics.
Young Haze took a walk after being sedentary since his release. 10 days on he popped up in 2A, disappeared again and now has the distinction of being the only tweeny to ever return himself to 3A.
Ruby Red and Tumanako are now released in OT. Tumanako hit the ground running and took a few days to find. All the tweenies have just been mooching since.
Adieu showed up on the east boundary and was moved back into Moses patch. Moses is showing far much too much interest in her brother so needs a distraction.
In between all the tweeny shuffling Martin and Ash,(his kiwi dog), did a week of night work with us and relocated Nino. Great to have Nino back on transmitter for the new breeding season. Time terrain and weather intervened so although the team was so close to locating Kaha it didn’t happen. Next time. Lots of hours and great work team. Thanks so much.
Chunukbair was located in a burrow with his lady Ngaire, so he also has a transmitter on again. Unfortunately the new transmitter has malfunctioned so has to be replaced.
Whetu has kicked the season off with the first incubation. Shame he’s a dud.
It’s actually quite calm in kiwi land, long may it continue.