We had a great turnout at the last workday in January with 29 enthusiastic volunteers collectively helping out and checking the trap lines throughout the forest. It was fantastic to see six new volunteers come along and be part of the Ōtanewainuku conservation experience. Good on you!
One volunteer said he really enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere of the Ōtanewainuku forest. Another said that it was interesting to see how different each part of the forest is once you get to explore the different trap lines.
It is always so interesting to get to know the other volunteers, who are people from all different walks of life. But it is also surprising to learn how much we all have in common!
We’re looking forward to the next workday this Sunday, 13th of Feb and seeing some new and familiar faces work together to continue the conservation legacy of Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust and passing on a restored forest that will flourish for future generations.