Kiwi News May 2022
Same as, same as. LePew is missing again, and wouldn’t you know it, his brother Adieu has also disappeared.
All the singles are much more mobile. It’s rather a lucky dip on who will pop up where. Several have had to be returned to Ōtanewainuku safely.
All but two transmitter changes are done. We’re just making sure Whetu hasn’t settled in earlier than usual incubation before nabbing him and Maui. He’s been in the same burrow three times with Maui in there with him once.
Marama has weighed in as the heaviest ever Ōtanewainuku kiwi, at 3520 gms, beating her own record from four years ago of 3500 gms.
We’ve been sending Ōtanewainuku kiwi poo to a PHD student studying coccidia in adult populations. So far only very low or no infection has appeared. Sonny Miggle did have worms so we drenched him. He’s now sulking as far down his creek as he can go without getting into trouble with Chunukbair and Ngaire. Te Hoe has followed him down so hopefully, she will entice him back upstream.
Mysta, our last chick at the Hatchery will be moved to Warrenheip this week. As Warrenheip is at capacity, the oldest tweeny will be transferred to Ōtanewainuku. Oh joy… another runner!