Strong support from sponsors and donors mean that we can carry on the conservation work and protect the plants, birds and animals of Ōtanewainuku.
Donate via Internet Banking
Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust
BNZ – Tauranga Branch
02 0466 0093982 00
Please include your name and phone number in the reference fields. Email us your full details, and details of your deposit if you want a receipt.
Donate via Give a Little
To donate go to https://givealittle.co.nz/donate/org/oktkiwi
Leave a gift in your will, or donate during your lifetime
Leave a bequest to the Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust.
Option 1 – Directly via your lawyer
Leave a nominated sum directly to the Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust in your will. Talk to your lawyer.
Option 2 – Via the Acorn Foundation Endowment Fund
You nominate a capital sum to the Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust which, is held by the Acorn Foundation, in the Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust’s name. The Ōtanewainuku Kiwi Trust receives an annual distribution of interest on your capital to use each year in perpetuity.